Guide to Armyworms in Kansas City
What are Armyworms?
Despite the name, armyworms aren’t actually worms at all! These grass-eating pests are actually caterpillars. They get their name from destroying lawns by “marching” across like an army, and it only takes them a few hours to turn your grass from bright green to brown. Armyworms do their damage when they are in their developmental larva stages, but once they turn into moths, they are no longer a problem. While they can destroy your lawn in a blink of an eye, they are not poisonous or dangerous to humans or pets. Armyworms typically come out in Kansas City in late August and early September.
What do Armyworms Look Like?
Think you’ve seen an armyworm? These are some features to look out for:
- 1-1.5 inches long
- Brown and gray bodies with stripes down their back
- Upside down Y-shaped marking on the front of their head
Signs of Armyworms in Kansas City
If your Kansas City lawn is facing troubles, it can be difficult to determine what the source is between grubs, worms, weather, and more! Here are a few signs that usually indicate your lawn is dealing with an armyworm invasion:
- Small brown patches spread throughout your lawn
- Damage starting on one end of your yard and moving to the other
- More frequent presence of birds
If you have a garden or grow any kind of crop, another thing to look out for is patterned holes in the leaves. Armyworms tend to chew on them in rows, leaving a distinct pattern behind.
What Grasses do Armyworms Like?
Armyworms are attracted to several different kinds of turf grasses. Here in Kansas City, there are a few grasses you likely have in your yard that are more susceptible to an armyworm feast:
- Bermuda grass
- Fine leaf fescue
- Turf-type tall fescue
- Ryegrass
Luckily, one of the best grasses for the Kansas City climate is zoysiagrass, and armyworms don’t like it! If you find yourself repeatedly dealing with armyworm destruction, this might be worth looking into.
Armyworm Treatment
Now that you’ve identified your armyworm problem, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them and prevent them in the future.
What Causes Armyworms?
Armyworms are more common in lawns with a lot of thatch build up, so the best way to prevent them is proper lawn maintenance. They also tend to reside in turf that’s dry and warm, so it’s important to water your lawn to combat this! Fertilizing, aerating, and proper mowing techniques are also ways to make your lawn less vulnerable to armyworm attacks. You can learn how to do treat your lawn on your own, or you can contact a local lawn care company in Kansas City!
What Kills Armyworms?
If you’re past the point of prevention, there are a few things you can do! If you want to kill armyworms without hurting beneficial insects, look for products in the store with the active ingredient bacillus thuringiensis. If you’re looking for a natural solution, it is possible to physically pull the armyworms off of your lawn and plants. After you pull them off, putting them in a bucket of dish soap will kill them. This isn’t a great option if you have a large population of armyworms on your lawn, but can work if you’re only seeing a few.
Need Lawn Help in Kansas City?
Killing your armyworms might work, but it’s a short-term solution! If you want a lawn that can withstand the damages that armyworms and other grass-eaters can cause, contact Quality All-Care Lawn Services. We provide lawn care services such as fertilization and aeration services, lime treatments, weed control, and more– all the things that are helpful in protecting your lawn from armyworms. If you’re looking for expert lawn care in Kansas City, make sure to get in touch with the best team with over 35 years of experience.