What Lime Applications Do For Your Soil

If your lawn is experiencing brown spots or bare patches that don’t seem to clear up no matter what you do, it could be a sign that you need a lime application. You might have heard this phrase, but maybe you don’t know how beneficial it can be for your lawn’s overall health.

How Lime Applications Can Improve Your Lawn Health
Correct pH Imbalance
When soil strays to the acidic end of the pH scale, it affects how well your soil absorbs nutrients. When soil is acidic, your lawn won’t be able to use nutrients. This means, no matter how much or what kind of fertilizer you put down, your grass won’t be able to use it. A lime application will correct this imbalance, so you don’t waste your money putting down fertilizer. Usually, the lime you’ll find is dolomite. This type of lime has added magnesium as well as the calcium carbonate that composes lime. If you plan to DIY this, make sure the product you use is labeled “garden lime.” This will be safe for your lawn, unlike other forms of lime that may be too aggressive and actually burn your grass.
Apply Lime Based On Square Footage
Generally, you’ll want to add five to 10 pounds per square foot of lawn to increase the soil’s pH by one level. Depending on how imbalanced the soil was, it may take more than one application, but it’s better to go slow and steady than apply too much and swing the pH level the other way. Be sure to ask your lawn care technician if a lime application is needed as part of your lawn care program.
How To Tell If Your Lawn Needs A Lime Application
Several indicators signal the need for a lime application.
- Weak growth
- Moss growth within the lawn
- Disease popping up
- Insect infestation
- Weeds
- Failure to respond after treatment with fertilizer
- Washed-out color
What Changes A Soil’s pH Level
Many things can affect the pH level of your soil. Rainfall can reduce the calcium level as the rainwater passes through the soil into the water table. As the soil loses calcium, the pH level drops and causes soil to become acidic over long periods of time. Maintaining a good lawn care routine can also naturally lower the pH. Fertilizer, irrigation, and an increase in the levels of microorganisms can all decrease the pH level. With this in mind, don’t beat yourself up if your pH isn’t balanced. It’s a common occurrence, and it doesn’t make you a bad gardener. To find out the pH of your soil, you can conduct an at-home soil test. This report will tell you the pH level and which macro and micronutrients your lawn is missing. Thankfully, balancing nutrients lacking in the soil is something most lawn care services can help with.
Schedule A Lime Application For Your For Your Lawn
At Quality All-Care Lawn Service, our lawn care program and lime application will correct acidic soil conditions and get your lawn back on the road to perfect health. We’re pleased to offer landscaping services in Kansas City and the greater metropolitan area. If you’d like to speak to an expert lawn technician to learn more or schedule an appointment, give us a call at 913-372-3009 or leave us a message on our site here. For more ideas and advice on general lawn care, or lawn care in Kansas City, Overland Park, or the surrounding cities in Kansas, be sure to read our monthly blog.